Have You Really Put Enough Thought into Your About Page?

Did you know that your About page is one of the most important things on your website? Imagine you’ve just landed on a new website and you quite like the look of it. Chances are, you’re going to look for some information to find out what it’s all about. Hello, About page. This is your […]

Why You Should Interlink Your Blog Posts (And How to do it Right)

Not only is interlinking crucial for on-site navigation, it can also contribute greatly to your on-page SEO (search engine optimisation). Internal links help to keep your site indexed, although they should be strategically placed and you should try to only interlink related articles. There are a couple of things you should consider before you start […]

How to Create a Media Kit for Your Blog

First things first, what exactly is a media kit and why do you need one? A media kit is a document that outlines the main facts and statistics about your blog. It is a key tool used when working with brands. The kit is presented to brands that you are interested in collaborating with, allowing […]

Moving Your Blog from WordPress.com to WordPress.org

WordPress.com is a great platform when you are starting out with a new blog. However, there are limitations when it comes to increasing functionality and monetising your site. Making the switch to a self-hosted WordPress.org site will allow much more freedom when it comes to these things. Fortunately, it is very easy to move your […]

30 Day Challenge For New Bloggers

Have you taken the leap and started your own blog? How exciting! But coming up with consistent content can be hard for new bloggers. Once you’ve got everything set up and have your posting schedule in place, it’s time to think about your post ideas. I’ve put together this list of post topics to help […]

6 Reasons You Should Be Blogging For Business

You don’t have to be in the creative industry in order to make blogging work for you. In fact, any type of business could benefit from using a blog. Apart from the obvious – driving regular traffic to your website – blogging can be beneficial in a number of ways. Here are some of my […]