Once you’ve discovered the power of Pinterest Marketing, it’s time to start creating images that work. After all, your main aim here is to get your content noticed.
If you scroll through Pinterest’s smart feed, you will see thousands upon thousands of images that have been ‘pinned’ to various boards. So how can you make your images stand out among these? There are several tactics you can use, starting with considering aesthetics and progressing to using a savvy pin description.
Image Dimensions
Although there is no ‘correct’ dimension to use for Pinterest, you should ensure two things are true of yours. Firstly, your image should be large and high quality. There’s nothing more frustrating than clicking on an image, only to find that it is around 200px wide and, therefore, completely illegible. You should also create your images in a portrait orientation. At least 1:2 is a good starting point (eg. 700px X 1400px). For larger images, such as infographics, you could try out 1:3 or more.
Make Your Image Informative
What is your post about? What problem will it solve for the reader, or how will it help them? Be sure to include a large, clear heading that tells the reader exactly what to expect. If they can gain something from reading your content, they are much more likely to click through.
Make Your Image Visually Appealing
Think about your colour scheme, font sets and imagery when creating your pin image. Try to represent your brand effectively, while also appealing to your target audience. Here’s a quick example. Which image would you be more likely to click on?
Entice the Reader
Is there something particular of value that your reader should know about? Perhaps it’s a freebie they can grab at the end of the article. Mention this on your Pinterest image to really entice the reader. If you don’t have anything of this sort to add, try a catchy tagline to grab attention.
Make Sure Your Image is Branded
Take ownership of your content. Whether it’s a logo, brand name or website address, include a way to identify yourself and/or your brand on the image. I’ve come across pins before that I wasn’t necessarily interested in but, because it has grabbed my attention, I’ve popped over to look at the website of the creator.
Write Your Pin Description Carefully
Finally, when it comes to pinning your image, carefully consider the description that you use. It should be descriptive and include keywords or phrases. Pinterest works in the same way as any search engine, in that it locates and shows content based on keywords in search terms.