If you’re serious about growing your Network Marketing business, you’ve probably thought a lot about building your downline, if you haven’t already started to do so. But it isn’t as simple as signing up your family and friends, and making your millions. Prospecting is a skillful process.
I learned the hard way that you will never build a successful business by jumping straight in with a sales pitch to everyone you know. When I joined my first Network Marketing company, I was told to contact everyone I knew, asking if they were interested in my new business opportunity. I blindly – and extremely ignorantly – followed this advice and messed up my first business impression with so many people. (Many of whom, I genuinely believe would be great at what we do.)
Before you jump in with a basic ‘join my team’ business, you should consider the following.
Share – Don’t Recruit
Starting your own business is a huge leap, and a very exciting time. You should tell the people you are close to all about it. Tell your family and friends what you are up to, and ask if you can chat to them about it. Not because you want anything from them, but because you are excited and want to talk about your new venture. Talk about your business – and products – with enough enthusiasm and you might just grab their interest.
Get to Know Your Prospect
Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Find out about your prospect’s lifestyle. Dig for their wants, needs and desires. Do they have any problems that your business opportunity might be able to help them with? The key to successful prospecting is to effectively communicate the advantages of your opportunity.
It might seem appealing to you to sign up as many new team members as possible, but they will not develop their businesses if they are unsure of the process and are not really interested. You know, from your own experience, that growing a network is not always easy.
Repeat back the information that you receive from your prospect. Use their wants/needs/etc as conversation pointers. Show them that you understand what they are looking for and are willing to help them achieve everything that they want.
Determine Communication Style
When you first start talking to a new prospect, try to immediately determine their communication style. Are they very formal, or perhaps more laid back? Use this style in all communication with them, whether via email, telephone or other. This will make them feel comfortable talking to you.
Remain Positive
This industry is not for everyone, and that’s okay. While prospecting, you will find many people who disagree with your way of working, see it as a scam, or simply aren’t interested. Don’t let them get you down. Thank them for their time and move on.
For those prospects who you think may be interested, be sure to present the opportunity in a positive light. What was it that drew you to Network Marketing? Focus on the biggest plus, which is helping people. Ask the question, ‘have you ever felt that you were meant to help other people?’ For the majority of people, the answer will be ‘yes’.
Question Objections
This is not necessarily to change people’s minds (although it can sometimes be done), but more to understand the point of view of your prospect. This can help you, not only to dispel any untruths, but to alter your approach for future instances.
You can try the following approaches:
- I’m just interested to know, what makes you say that?
- I’m sure you have a good reason for saying that, can I ask what that reason is?
- If I could help to satisfy that concern, would you be open to _____ ?
It can take a long time to find the best prospecting methods for you, but following these tips will help you to approach it in the right way. Remember, Network Marketing is an industry all about people. Make new connections, build and nurture relationships, and never jump straight in with a sales pitch. This is the fastest way to put someone off.