Ever feel overwhelmed in your business? After all, there’s just so much to do..

You need to market your business, find new clients, manage admin, learn new skills, grow your team… and on top of that you need to live your life. You’ve got a home to manage, a family to look after, friends to see. Are there even enough hours in the day?

5 Ways to Battle Stress & Overwhelm in Your Business | KerryJohnson.co.uk

Getting organised is the key to beating the overwhelm that comes with living such a full life. Here are some of the ways you can take the stress out of your day.

1. Morning Brain Dump

Ever wake up in the morning with a thousand thoughts running through your mind? If you’re anything like me, this can probably get to you in a big way. You end up completely jumbled and just don’t know where to start.

Write it all down. Things you need to do; anything you’re worried about; your feelings.. everything. Just keep writing, until there’s nothing more to say.

2. Make a Plan

What is your number one priority for the day? Write it down, and make sure it’s completed. A schedule can help you to stay organised. How many times have you written a to-do list, only to jump between tasks and fall behind?

Make a list of the business activities you need to complete, and work your way through them one by one. It’s helpful to put a time frame on each activity, so that you know where you’re at.

3. Set Connection Time

Speaking to new people is a key task for any business owner. Set yourself a specific time for connecting with people and stick to it. It’s far too easy to become distracted, from productive activity, by responding to emails or messages. Get yourself into the habit of leaving them until your designated time.

Make sure you leave enough time to connect with new people, respond to messages and follow up with people.

4. Plan and Create Promotional Content

You should be promoting your business every day. Not necessarily by shoving your products in front of people, or offering your opportunity to everyone you see, but by showcasing your lifestyle and results.

You can talk about the benefits that you’ve seen from your products, without mentioning what they are. Do it from your own results, or someone else’s. For example, So proud of my friend, Rosa. Only three weeks postnatal and already 16lbs down. People are naturally nosy and will want to know how.

5. Relax and Rejuvenate

Take some time for yourself, even if you can only get ten minutes somewhere. Switch off from work and relax. What makes you feel good?

You can try meditation, or take up a hobby that you love. Maybe stop and read a few pages of a book you enjoy. Do at least one thing, every day, that makes you happy.